Tuesday, August 21, 2018

LR Error 27732 - Internal Error

Sometimes during replaying your HTTP / HTML Script you might encounter an error like shown below:

Error -27732: Internal Error – can’t parse username in Loadrunner
Error -27732: Internal Error – can’t get initial credentials for username/password in Loadrunner

This might happen due to the Integrated authentication not happening properly or else the credentials provided in web_set_user is no more valid.

Check the Below Steps to resolve the issue:
  • Firstly enable the integrated authentication check box in LR as shown below under Run time settings-> Preferences->Authentication.

  • Check the krb5.ini file is present and verify the permissions whether it has been allowed for below users names/groups.
  • Add "KRB5_CONFIG" environment variable if not present and ensure that the path given is proper.
    • after making the necessary changes, restart VUGen and Verify.

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    Continuous Integration and LoadRunner / Performance Center

    As we are moving towards CI / CD and Agile work model, there is always a question whether Performance testing can be done in this model.

    The obvious answer is "Yes", then comes the next question in mind - "Which Tool" ? and what all CI Tools does it support.

    Being in performance testing world, we generally tend to look for our familiar LoadRunner (LR) or Performance Center (PC) as the option of choice.
    There are other open-source tools like Jmeter  which provide the flexibility and integration with other tools.

    For LR / PC:

    Does LoadRunner support Bamboo - Continuous integration tool? - The answer is currently NO. Currently LR only supports Jenkins as the CI Tool of choice.

     How can i integrate LoadRunner with Jenkins:

    Jenkins allows the possibility to execute HP Test using the Jenkins - "HP Application Automation Tools Plugin".

    This plug-in trigger the different available Test sets available in ALM platform, Unified Functional Testing, QuickTest Professional, or Service Test, LoadRunner scenarios and Performance Center.

    This plugin allows you to trigger an HP test as a build step and present the results in the Jenkin's UI, similar to JUnit.

    This plugin currently supports:
     * HP Unified Functional Testing 11.5x and 12.0x (QuickTest Professional and Service Test 11.50 capabilities)
     * HP Service Test 11.20 and 11.50
     * HP LoadRunner 11.52 and 12.0x
     * HP Performance Center 12.xx
     * HP QuickTest Professional 11.00
     * HP Application Lifecycle Management 11.00, 11.52, and 12.xx
     * HP ALM Lab Management 11.50, 11.52, and 12.xx
     * HP Quality Center 10.00, with the QuickTest Professional Add-in for triggering test sets

    For more information about the Jenkins Plug-in and the required connection configurations please make reference to the next link:


    For additional information about how to use the HP Performance Center 12 REST API and Jenkins Plugin please make reference to the next video:
